I2C or IIC or TWI communication is a part and parcel of electronic circuit designers. But many of us are not aware of it in their college days. This video is intended for the basic learners who want to use and learn this protocol but do not have anyone who can explain this tho them. This video will be broken into 4 parts and I will explain I2C communication from basics to the utmost level at least I understand.
Firstly, please understand that I2C communication is a beautiful protocol and there are several considerations that needs to be considered..Please go through the datasheets given below to understand how and what are the essential parts of the I2C Communication:
- https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/user-guide/UM10204.pdf
- https://www.i2c-bus.org/specification/
- http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slva704/slva704.pdf
In my video I have asked you to go though some topics before reading through I2C. Please follow them.
But before you go to the basics go through this video
Here s my first basic video on I2C Communication Basic:
If you have any comments do comment below I will reply in a video!