Introduction to MSP430Gx2xx MCU Family Session8

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This tutorial will basically introduce you to the microcontroller that we will be using to design the IR controlled Home Automation project. Its calledMSP430G2553IN20 and it is fixed into the MSP430G2 Launchpad. You need to buy a Launchpad from TI-estore (to buy click here) or get one from your friend. This tutorial is mainly based on introducing the architecture of the MSP430Gx2xx, its features, its clocking system and memory map. More detailed explanations will follow later.

You must download the latest  user guide by clicking here and follow through each and every detail. You will also need the device datasheet of MSP430G2553IN20. You can download it here. The device details page is here.

The picture of the MCU in PDIP package is shown below. It is shown below fitted into the Launchpad. I recommend buying the Launchpad as I will be following the chapters and demonstrating them in the Launchpad :








Here goes the video tutorial:

For any queries do comment below and please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Next video will be on Basic Clocking System+


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One thought on “Introduction to MSP430Gx2xx MCU Family Session8

  1. Nice explanation of the basic architecture. Thanks man…Waiting for more to comeup soon! I need to use MSPs for my IoT application. As Arduino libraries are not for commercial uses. Please do guide on Wifi enabled MCUs of TI….Great Job!!

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